CCR’s Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2021 Budget

The global response to the pandemic has shown that science is relevant and impactful at all levels, from individuals and businesses to municipalities, regions, nations and the world. Science knows no boundaries; it has been, is, and will continue to be relied upon by decision-makers for continued management of the pandemic and to re-start Canada’s economy.

Canada’s capacity to innovate and compete internationally, and in turn recover and thrive economically, is dependent on sustained support of a broad spectrum of research carried out in various environments (academic, industrial, research institutions, government laboratories, not-for-profit settings). Science advances and innovations that enhance the economy and work to address issues such as those that have arisen as a result of COVID-19 happen when students and researchers from all disciplines and sectors (e.g., universities, government departments, data collection agencies, libraries) are supported with graduate scholarships, research funding, infrastructure support, institutional support, and career development opportunities.

The FSR report represents a detailed, well-researched, and measured roadmap for how the federal government can boost the economy via fundamental science and research. What must happen now is that the remaining recommendations of the FSR Report are implemented quickly with continued monitoring and assessment to significantly mitigate the impacts of the pandemic and thereby ensure that Canada’s needs are met and researchers are able to address society’s most pressing questions.

Lisa Votta-Bleeker, Ph.D.
Chair, Canadian Consortium for Research
613-237-2144, ext. 323

Read the Full Submission