All activities of the Consortium are conducted with volunteers from the constituent member societies and organizations. A six-member steering committee provides the planning and leadership for the CCR and reports to the Consortium at regularly scheduled bi-monthly meetings of the member representatives.
Activities include, but are not limited to:
- Meeting bi-monthly for networking purposes and to discuss relevant research issues
- Circulating minutes following each meeting
- Addressing funding issues, whether by convening meetings with funding agency representatives, developing letter writing campaigns and/or developing funding-related “asks” to submit to government
- Hosting a regular annual breakfast with the Presidents of Canada’s funding agencies to discuss research priorities
- Requesting the opportunity to listen to the budget release on Parliament Hill
- Responding to the federal budget
- Submitting briefs to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance
- Setting up meetings with MPs to discuss the CCR’s “asks” as per our submission to the Finance Committee
- Developing summary documents of our “asks”
- Keeping our website current with relevant information