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The future of Canada’s research: A roadmap to strengthening our country

(Ottawa, ON) – On April 10, 2017, the report developed by the panel to oversee the review of fundamental science in Canada was released: “Investing in Canada’s Future: Strengthening the Foundations of Canadian Research” presented a welcomed plan to strengthen Canada’s research ecosystem. The plan addressed the need for increased funding to the base budgets of the granting councils (CIHR, SSHRC, and NSERC); the need for scholarships and fellowships; the need for stabilized funding for the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for infrastructure support; increased funding for indirect costs of research through the Research Support Fund; balance across all research disciplines as a foundational principle for funding; and increasing support to diversity in research, emphasizing the importance of research across disciplines, addressing gender equity, and providing support for early career scientists, visible minorities, researchers with disabilities, and Indigenous researchers.

“This very thorough report offers a comprehensive plan to both change and improve Canada’s research ecosystem and in so doing, restore the position of Canadians as research leaders on the international stage,” said Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker, Chair, Canadian Consortium for Research.

The report was prepared by an independent, expert advisory panel chaired by Dr. David Naylor, former President of the University of Toronto, and was commissioned by the Minister of Science, Kirsty Duncan. In 2016, the Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) made a submission to the panel that highlighted key issues affecting Canadian research and researchers.

Consistent with the CCR’s recommendation to the panel and the review’s focus on fundamental science, the first priority of the report is to increase funding for independent, investigator-led research. To this end, the report recommends cumulative increases to the base funding of the federal research granting councils to reach annual spending of $4.8 billion by 2022, phased in over four years—up from the current $3.5 billion annually which represents an increase of roughly 8% annually over the next four years.

The report also outlines a comprehensive agenda to strengthen the foundations of Canadian research. Among its recommendations is legislation to create an independent National Advisory Council on Research and Innovation (NACRI) that will work closely with Canada’s new Chief Science Advisor (CSA). Together, they will provide ongoing evaluations of all programming and the appointment of a new Four Agency Coordinating Board that would work closely with the Chief Science Advisor and the Ministers of Science and Health to improve coordination and harmonization, promote collaboration, and share best practices among CIHR, SSHRC, NSERC and CFI. In line with this recommendation and again consistent with the CCR’s recommendations, the report also called for balance across all research disciplines as a foundational principle for funding and recognized the significant contributions that the social sciences and humanities make to Canada’s ability to thrive in the 21st century; SSHRC currently receives just 15 percent of federal investments in the granting councils.

We are pleased to see other important recommendations and priorities of the report such as new forms of support for multidisciplinary and international funding; support for students through scholarships and fellowships; stable annual funding for CFI; and consolidated long-term funding for a merged entity to oversee national digital research infrastructure. These are reflective of the CCR’s submission that called for increased funding for graduate students, as well as support for Canada’s research infrastructure.

“The Canadian Consortium for Research extends its sincere thanks to Minister Duncan for convening the review and to the panel for completing this very important work,” added Dr. Votta-Bleeker. “The panel was extremely insightful in its recommendations. We look forward to engaging our members in the coming months regarding the report’s recommendations as they pertain to the CCR’s advocacy efforts, and to working with government to bring the report’s recommendations to fruition.”

See the PDF here; ScienceReviewPanel_recommendations_CCRresponse_Final

Budget 2017: Commitment to science, but no new funding for fundamental research

(Ottawa, Ontario) March 23, 2017 — The Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) supports the government’s continued commitment to fundamental science via the science review and chief science advisor, but was disappointed that this budget failed to build on the government’s initial investments in fundamental science by not providing any new funding for the granting councils. The CCR has called on the government to increase, in an equitable manner, the base budgets for the granting councils by 5% per year for each of the next 3 years so as to restore fundamental research funding to 2007 levels when adjusted for inflation.

The CCR was pleased to see the government’s commitment to creating the Chief Science Advisor and accompanying office. It was also pleased to see the government’s acknowledgement of Canada’s Fundamental Science Review; the CCR offered its input to the panel overseeing the Review, and eagerly awaits the report and subsequent changes that will arise.


The budget included support for students in the form of new investments for Indigenous students pursuing post-secondary education. While it also expanded eligibility for the Canada Student Grants program to more part-time students and those with dependent children beginning in 2018-19, it neglected to expand the eligibility criteria to include graduate students.


“Science advances and innovations happen when students and researchers from all disciplines and sectors across the health, social and natural sciences, are supported in fundamental research, graduate scholarship, and career development opportunities. Although disappointed to see no new funding to the base budgets of the granting councils, we await the report from the Fundamental Science Review, as well as the appointment of the Chief Science Advisor,” says Canadian Consortium for Research Chair, Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker. “The CCR will welcome the opportunity to work with the government on moving these files forward.”

The CCR is the largest advocacy coalition in Canada, focusing on research funding in all disciplines and support for post-secondary education. CCR includes 20 organizations that represent more than 50,000 researchers and 650,000 students across disciplines.

For more information:   Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker

Chair, Canadian Consortium for Research or 613-237-2144 ext. 323



Government of Canada launches search for Chief Science Advisor

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Government of Canada launches search for Chief Science Advisor

Position key to advancing science and integration of science into decision making

December 5, 2016 – Ottawa – Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

More than 35,000 people in the federal government are involved in science and technology activities. Also, nearly 50,000 researchers and trainees across the country are supported by the federally funded research councils. From clean air and water to food security and technological advancements, science plays a crucial role in providing the evidence the Government of Canada needs to make decisions that improve the lives of Canadians.

Today, the search begins for the person who will be instrumental in furthering the Government’s commitment to science-based decision making. The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science, is delivering on her key mandate commitment by launching the search for a Chief Science Advisor for Canada. The announcement took place at the historic Library of the National Research Council in Ottawa.

The Chief Science Advisor will be responsible for providing scientific advice to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Science and members of Cabinet. This individual will also advise on how to ensure that government science is open to the public, that federal scientists are able to speak freely about their work, and that science is effectively communicated across government. The office will be supported by a team of scientists and policy experts.

The position is now open to all Canadians. The full job description and information on applying can be found on the Governor in Council website. The application process is expected to close on January 27, 2017.


“This search for a Chief Science Advisor is a historic moment. This position is critical because science affects everything from the health and well-being of Canadians to the economy and the environment. Science is also the foundation of sound decision making within government.”

– The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science

Quick facts

  • Minister Duncan was mandated by the Prime Minister to create the position.
  • The Chief Science Advisor will report to both the Prime Minister and the Minister of Science.
  • In the past year, the federal government has made a science-based approach to governance a top priority.
  • The Chief Science Advisor will be available to the Government to provide scientific advice on key issues.
  • The mandate of the position was developed after a rigorous process of consultation across government. The Minister also looked at best practices from around the world and listened closely to the research community.

Associated links

Follow the Minister on social media.
Twitter: @ScienceMin
Instagram: sciencemin


Véronique Perron
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Science

Media Relations
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

CCR makes submission to panel overseeing Canada’s Fundamental Science Review

Submission to Canada’s Fundamental Science Review – September 2016

The CCR is pleased to provide its input into Canada’s Fundamental Science Review being overseen by Minister Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science. Canada’s capacity to build knowledge, innovate, compete internationally, and in turn, thrive economically, socially, and culturally, is dependent on numerous factors that include but are not limited to:

  • Canada’s investment in fundamental research through the granting councils;
  •  the ways in which research is funded, reviewed, and awarded;
  •  availability of support for students and early-career scientists; and
  •  availability of stable funding to support knowledge infrastructure and a broad spectrum of research carried out in various environments.

Many members of the CCR will be making separate submissions on behalf of their respective associations that will speak to many of the issues included in this submission, as well as to issues specific to the research conducted by the members of their given associations. The CCR’s recommendations reflect the following three broad categories that cross-cut the views of all of the CCR’s members:

  1.  Increase Funding for Fundamental Research and Researchers
  2.  Ensure Long-term and Stable Funding for Knowledge Infrastructure
  3.  Support a National Science Policy Agenda and a Science Culture in Canada

Click here for the full Submission: ccr_sciencereviewsubmission_final_30sept2016

CCR Applauds Reinstatement of University and College Academic Staff System

Ottawa (September 16, 2016) – The Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) welcomed the announcement that Statistics Canada will be reinstating the University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS), as announced by Minister of Science, Kirsty Duncan.  The CCR has been calling for its reinstatement since its cancellation in 2012.

“Reliable data that is collected in a standardized manner is essential for effective resource planning and public policy” says Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker, Chair, CCR. “The UCASS gives us the information necessary for academic planning, the development of innovation-related indicators, and to track the representation of equity seek groups within post-secondary institutions over time.”

Information generated by the UCASS provides governments, higher education institutions, researchers and policy analysists with a detailed picture of full-time academic staff, including gender, age, principal subject taught, academic rank, salary and administrative stipends, and province or country of degrees earned. The CCR was also pleased to hear that Statistics Canada will work in collaboration with academic institutions to fill the data gap between 2012 to 2015.

Numerous Statistics Canada surveys have been discontinued in recent years as part of budget reductions. The CCR hopes that the government will also consider reinstating other Statistics Canada surveys such as the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED), National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY), and the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS). The discontinuation of these, and many other surveys, has left significant gaps in our understanding of the Canadian landscape.

Click here for the Press Release


Budget 2016: Important new investments in research and a science culture for Canada

(Ottawa, Ontario) March 23, 2016 — The Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) applauds the Liberal Government’s commitment to invest in research funding, student support, and research infrastructure as announced in Tuesday’s federal budget.

Read CCR’s full response here;  CCR_BudgetResponse_March2016_FINAL

CCR hosts its 4th Annual Breakfast with the Funders

On Wednesday December 9th, 2015, the CCR hosted its 4th annual breakfast with the funders.  The breakfast, which was hosted at the offices of the Canadian Psychological Association in Ottawa, included the following representatives:

Funding Agency Representative
NSERC Dr. Pierre Charest​ (VP, Research Grants and Scholarships)
CFI Dr. Gilles Patry (President and CEO)
SSHRC Dr. Brent Copley-Herbert​ (Executive Vice-President)
CIHR Dr. Kelly VanKoughnet (Associate Vice-President, Research, Knowledge Translations and Ethics Portfolio)