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Canadian researchers welcome investments in federal budget

[Ottawa] The Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) is encouraged by the investments in science and research in the 2024 federal budget. For the first time since 2018, the budget announced increased funding for core research funding grants through the federal granting councils, and it provided a major investment to increase graduate student scholarships and post-doctoral fellowships for the first time in almost two decades. This investment will deliver urgently needed support to Canada’s next generation of researchers.

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Recommendation 1: That the government increase funding to the base budgets of each of CIHR, SSHRC, NSERC for core programming by at least 10% annually for five years

Recommendation 2: That the government significantly increase the value and number of scholarships and fellowships for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to keep pace with increases to costs of living and with research trainee compensation trends around the world and to ensure that Canadian research and its scientific expertise remain proportional to its demographic weight across nations.

Recommendation 3: That the government enhance programming to support early to mid-career researchers to accelerate their pathway to becoming leaders of tomorrow, inclusive of committing to new research chair positions for tenure-track early career researchers.

Recommendation 4: That the government, in fulfilling the above recommendations, renew funding for EDI in research programming and data collection and analysis, to support a truly inclusive research environment that welcomes a broad range of perspectives and experiences as relates to gender equity, racialized and Indigenous researchers, those living with disabilities, and francophones.


Canada, and the world, rely on strong science and research to investigate fundamental questions, drive innovation, make ground-breaking discoveries, and increase understanding of complex problems.

At present, Canada is not making the best use of our existing talent and capacity, and we are falling behind our peers internationally in investments in research and science, threatening our ability to attract and retain world-class researchers. Furthermore, Canada is not investing enough in training the next generation of talent.

The recently released Report of the Advisory Panel on the Federal Research Support System stated, “we must continue to examine ways to enhance the system of supports to ensure that Canada’s research and talent remain among the best in the world so that we can tackle challenges and seize opportunities facing us today and in the future.” In keeping with this, the Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) supports the following recommendations made in the report. If implemented, they will position Canada well to address the critical and complex research, economic, and societal challenges of today and tomorrow, and improve our collective well-being, competitiveness, and prosperity.

1: Solidify the base: invest in fundamental science

Basic research is the foundation of all science. Experts note that a minimum of $3 must be spent on discovery-based research to $1 of mission-driven or applied research for a thriving research ecosystem.

After a decade of neglect, Budget 2018 was a leap in the right direction. Canada has since plateaued, losing ground post-pandemic, as Canada’s international counterparts (i.e., US, Japan, Australia, UK, Germany, etc.) have significantly re-invested in research and science as a national pillar of interest. For example, the US recently committed US$200 billion over ten years for science; Japan created a US$87 billion fund devoted to science leadership, and the UK increased its annual government investment in R&D to £20 billion by 2024-25.

An increase in funding for basic research is also needed to increase compensation for students. A significant portion of support for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows is paid, not through scholarships, but through stipends or salaries out of grant funding awarded to supervising professors. By involving trainees in their research, grantees train the next generation of highly qualified personnel (HQP), providing them with research experience and skills, which in turn develops greater research capacity. Roughly 35,000 trainees are supported indirectly in this way, totalling an estimated $726 million annually. This is almost three times the current annual spending by the granting councils for direct support via their scholarship and fellowship programs. Support for highly qualified personnel, including trainees and other technical research personnel, typically constitutes the majority of research grant funding awarded. The number and value of research grants are currently insufficient for the demand, and to support competitive salaries for trainees or staff scientists.

Investment in fundamental science is needed, not only to pay research students and staff fairly and to keep up with the rise in the costs of research, but to ensure that more research can be funded.

Currently, there are many peer-approved research applications that do not proceed due to a lack of funding – this impacts Canada’s overall research ecosystem and trainees.

Recommendation: Initial increase of at least 10% annually for five years to the granting councils’ total base budgets for their core programming to address a) the opportunities resulting from growth in the system (e.g., increasing number of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows many of whom are funded via research assistantships through professors’ grants); b) the effects of inflation; and c) the importance of nurturing a globally competitive research and talent base.

2.  Nurture the next generation of researchers

The value and number of the government’s awards (i.e., scholarships and fellowships) for university research trainees have not kept pace with increases to the cost of living nor with research trainee compensation trends around the world and retention of research-enabled talent. As a result of underfunding, student researchers – particularly those in marginalized or under-represented groups – are required to take on additional jobs, thereby negatively impacting their research output productivity, as well as their physical and mental health.

Recommendation: Significantly increase the value and number of scholarships and fellowships for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to keep pace with increases to costs of living and with research trainee compensation trends around the world and to ensure that Canadian research and its scientific expertise remain proportional to its demographic weight across nations.

3.  Support the talent continuum

In addition to increasing the support for Canada’s graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, the development of Canada’s research talent across the continuum must also be nurtured and supported.

There is also a need for enhanced programming to support early to mid-career professors. Pre-tenure competitive programming to reward early-career research excellence will boost Canada’s capacity to retain top, diverse talent, while enabling the scientific leaders of tomorrow to build ambitious, world- leading programs that will attract and fund trainees at all levels.

It is estimated that one out of three academic staff are working in teaching-only contracts. The federal government can play a role to address the underemployment of Canada’s highest quality personnel by dedicating funding to support faculty renewal of top, diverse early career researchers through programs like the Canada Research Chairs.

Recommendation: Commit to enhanced programming to support early to mid-career researchers, inclusive of new research chair positions for tenure-track early career researchers.

4.  Accelerate equity, diversity, and inclusive research

In fulfilling these recommendations, it is critical that the government supports and fosters a truly inclusive research environment that welcomes a broad range of perspectives and experiences as relates to gender equity, racialized and Indigenous researchers, those living with disabilities, and francophones.

The additional funding for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research, committed in Budget 2018 has now expired and must be renewed. This would renew the Dimensions program, which has shown early promise in supporting culture change, as well as the EDI capacity-building grants and funding for Statistics Canada to deepen its work in collecting EDI data on the student and science and research workforce.

Recommendation: Renew funding for EDI in research programming and data collection and analysis.

Click Read the full submission.


(Ottawa) – The federal government tabled Budget 2023 on March 28th. While acknowledging the support provided in previous budgets, the Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) expresses its deep disappointment that no new investments in fundamental research were made which will negatively impact Canada’s global relevance, and the next generation of researchers.
“For Canada to be competitive through economic and social innovation, we must create new knowledge, and recruit and retain top calibre researchers. This budget is a missed opportunity to sustain robust and sustainable research science culture in Canada,” said Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker, Chair of the CCR.

Click here to read the full response

Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2023 Budget

Building on Our Strength: Higher Education Research and Science

Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2023 Budget


Recommendation #1: Increase base funding levels of the Tri-Councils for investigator-led research by $200 million per year for the next five years.

Recommendation #2: Increase the number and value of scholarship awards by $185 million in 2023 and an additional $55 million per year, thereafter.

Recommendation #3: Renew investments in equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives related to research.

Recommendation #4: Expand the Statistics Canada academic staff survey (UCASS) to include data on part-time faculty and develop a Science and Research Human Resource Strategy.

Recommendation #5: Increase funding for government science by at least $740 million annually to return funding levels to 2010/11 levels and review barriers to government-academic partnerships.


Higher education research and development, the strength of Canada’s research and science ecosystem, remains severely underfunded. The $1 billion investment in fundamental science in Budget 2018 restored some funding for basic research after years of neglect.  Budget 2022 saw an investment of $3 billion to initiatives to incent businesses to invest in research and development.  A further commitment of $1 billion over five years for fundamental science is needed to keep solid this foundation of our knowledge infrastructure.

In addition, Canada must take immediate steps to fix the shrinking pipeline of scientists and researchers by better supporting graduate students, developing a national research and science human resource strategy, and supporting government science.

Another key strength of Canada is our diversity. Our Budget 2023 submission calls for a modest investment of $30 million to programs aimed at increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion within our research and science community.

  1. Invest $1 billion over five years in fundamental science

The base of Canada’s research ecosystem is fundamental science. Basic research expands knowledge needed for progress and innovation. This was recognized by the government in Budget 2018 which noted that:

“Canada’s prospects are bright thanks in part to earlier investments in science, research, and innovation. These investments built world-leading Canadian universities and colleges and created a strong research environment—one that has resulted in global recognition and has succeeded in attracting top talent in important emerging fields like artificial intelligence. The next step is to build on this success and make Canada a beacon that attracts the very best researchers from across the globe.”

The funding commitments made in 2018 were essential to shore up the crumbling base of our research ecosystem. However, they fall far short of making Canada a beacon that attracts the very best.

  • When accounting for inflation, funding at CIHR and NSERC has not grown since 2012/13.[i]
  • The flagship inter-disciplinary, international, fast-breaking, and higher-risk research fund has a 17.2% success rate.
  • The value of grants has not increased in real terms.

Canada’s research intensity was 1.70% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2020 compared to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average of 2.68%.[ii] When examined, our key strength is in Higher Education Expenditures on Research and Development (HERD) and we lag on Business Expenditures (BERD). To address the latter, the government invested $3 billion in Budget 2022 to initiatives to incent businesses to invest in research and development.

Meanwhile HERD, the strength of our research and science ecosystem, is not where it needs to be, even after a $1 billion Budget 2018 investment to restore some funding for basic research after years of neglect. To build on our strength of higher education research and development, an additional $1 billion over 5 years to granting council funding is needed.

This recommendation is echoed by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Science and Research in its report, Successes, Challenges and Opportunities for Science in Canada, released in June 2022, “the Government of Canada increase its investments in fundamental research through increases to the budgets of the three granting councils.”

  1. Increase support for graduate students

Graduate scholarship awards have remained unchanged for nearly 20 years, and postdoctoral fellowships had only a small increase in the same timeframe. As the cost of living has steadily increased, these scholarships and fellowships provide inadequate support or incentive to continue to do this work in Canada.

We recommend that the government increase scholarship and fellowship award amounts for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers by $185 million in 2023 and an additional $55 million per year thereafter, to increase both the value and the number of awards, and to index to the consumer price index (CPI).

  1. Renew investments in equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives

A diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and thought breed great science and research. This government has made progress in ensuring that publicly supported science and research is equitable and diverse. Budget 2018 committed $21 million to seeding change.  These initiatives are just taking root and the commitment must be renewed with additional funding to ensure these EDI initiatives flourish.

Specifically, the government should commit $30 million over five years to continue the following:

  • The EDI Capacity Building Grants
  • The Dimensions program
  • The Survey on Post-Secondary Researchers to assess impact of CoViD-19
  • The University and College Academic Staff Survey (UCASS) and increase to include data beyond gender
  1. Expand Statistics Canada academic staff survey to include data on part-time faculty and develop a Science and Research Human Resource Strategy

The limited data[iii], [1] we have shows that Canada’s science and research workforce is shrinking. Since 2006, we have seen a 21% decline in tenure-track positions and a near doubling of ‘off the tenure-track’ contract positions. The off-track positions are employed on teaching only contracts with no support for research. In the words of one observer, “Canada is hemorrhaging early career research capacity.”[iv]

As noted by the President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), “[There are] minimal opportunities for starting academics to undertake meaningful research…The real challenge…lies…specifically in finding ways to expand academic offerings to accelerate onboarding of early career researchers in an environment that is increasingly constrained financially.”[v]

The number of researchers in Canada has declined over the last six years—the only G7 country to experience a decrease. Between 2014 and 2018, the number of full-time researchers per million inhabitants in Canada declined by 4.8%. During that same period, the number of researchers in the U.S. increased by 4.9%, in the United Kingdom by 9%, and in Germany by a full 20%.[vi]

As a recent Council of Canadian Academies report concluded, cultivating a robust, resilient, and diverse scientific workforce is central to the development of a nation’s research capacity and requires supporting researchers throughout their careers.[vii], [viii]

  1. Restore funding for government to 2010/11 levels and review barriers to government-academic partnerships

Science undertaken by the government complements, contributes to, and benefits from the work of academic researchers. Government science facilities, like the Experimental Lakes Area, welcome post-secondary researchers and students alongside government scientists. When government science is well funded, supported, and allowed to be freely shared with the broader scientific community, there are direct and indirect benefits for Canada’s academic research community and, ultimately, all Canadians. For this reason, the CCR joins other stakeholders to recommend that funding for government science be increased by at least $740 million annually to return funding levels to 2010/11 levels.[ix]

In addition, to make it easier to carry out joint research with government scientists, the granting agencies should review barriers for partnership with government scientists, including those presented by industry linkage and cost-sharing requirements.

Lisa Votta-Bleeker, Ph.D.
Chair, Canadian Consortium for Research
613-237-2144, ext. 323

[i] Statistics Canada. Federal extramural expenditures on science and technology, by performing sector and major departments and agencies.

[ii] OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators, March 2022 Edition

[iii] Data on the academic workforce is drawn from Statistics Canada, University and College Academic Staff System Survey and the long-form census.

[iv] Wright, Julia. (2017).  How to invest in our PhDs? Through faculty renewal. University Affairs.

[v] Hewitt. Ted . (2018). Underemployment of PhDs hurts research. This article was originally published in The Chronicle Herald on January 3, 2018.

[vi] Sylvain Charbonneau. Vice-president of research and innovation at the University of Ottawa, (2021) Oral Testimony. House of Commons Committee on Science and Research, February 10.

[vii] Council of Canadian Academies, (2021.) Powering Discovery: The Expert Panel on International Practices for Funding Natural Sciences and Engineering Research.

[ix] McGrath, Eleanor. (2021). A decade of defunded public science: preparing for the next crisis.

Click here for the full submission as a PDF.


COVID-19 showed that science is relevant and impactful at all levels, from individuals and businesses to municipalities, nations and the world. Science knows no boundaries; it has been, is, and will continue to be relied upon by decision-makers for continued management of the pandemic, for important discoveries and new knowledge, to re-start Canada’s economy, and to innovate and compete internationally. This is dependent on sustained support of a broad spectrum of research carried out in various environments (academic, industrial, research institutions, government laboratories, NFPs). Science innovations that enhance the economy and work to address issues such as those that have arisen as a result of COVID-19 happen when students and researchers from all disciplines and sectors (e.g., universities, government departments, data collection agencies, libraries) are supported with graduate scholarships, research funding, infrastructure support, institutional support, and career development opportunities – investments that show the government’s support for a prosperous science culture.


Recommendation #1: That the federal government address the outstanding recommendations from the 2017 Fundamental Science Review report. The Government of Canada has acted on some of the FSR Report’s recommendations; however, the government needs to address the critical 60% gap between the recommended increase to base funding for basic science and what has been implemented to date.

Recommendation #2: That the federal government increase its research and development (R&D) investments in Canada to re-start Canada’s economic recovery and find solutions to the many pressing and complex challenges facing Canada and society, including:

  • a 1% increase in Canada’s gross domestic expenditure in R&D which, at 1.56%, is at its lowest since 2001 (OECD average is 2.4%)
  • increased funding to the base budgets of each of CIHR, SSHRC, and NSERC for fundamental basic and applied research by at least 10% yearly, until commensurate with other G7 countries
  • increased support for diversity in research particularly as relates to gender equity, visible minorities, researchers with disabilities, and Indigenous researchers

Recommendation #3: That the federal government provide better coordination and oversight for science and research in Canada so that Canada is effectively positioned to address the next major issue impacting Canada that requires scientific input and analysis by:

  • establishing the National Advisory Council on Research and Innovation
  • ensuring that the Chief Science Adviser is established as a permanent position within the Canadian government

Recommendation #4: That the federal government increase its support for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, early career scientists and international students by:

  • increasing funding for graduate scholarships and post-doctoral fellowships by $185 million in 2022 to increase both value and number awarded, with an additional $55 million per year phased in over the following three years
  • extending the temporary funding packages introduced to assist students impacted by COVID
  • restoring funding of the Canada Research Chairs program to 2012 levels with an investment of $140 million over the next two years ($35 million in fiscal 2022/23; $115 million in fiscal 2023/24), asymmetrically allocating new chairs to Tier 2 awards to help early career researchers

Recommendation #5: That the federal government increase its support for facilities and administrative costs of research by:

  • increasing the Research Support Fund from 21% to 40%
  • increasing funding to meet the small-medium equipment needs of individual researchers
  • ensuring the viability of research labs and institutional settings in which research is conducted

The Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) is pleased to provide this 2022 pre-budget consultation submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance.

Read the full submission…

CCR Response to 2021 Federal Budget

Basic Investments in Canada’s Research Ecosystem Pay Many Dividends

(Ottawa, ON) April 23, 2021 – The Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) recognizes the significance of this week’s federal budget, which identified a series of social, health and economic investments meant to place Canada on the road to recovery from the COVID-19 global pandemic.  While science contributed significantly to the management of the pandemic, Canada’s research community was itself significantly impacted by the pandemic. We remain concerned that there were too few measures introduced to continue re-building Canada’s research ecosystem.

“The budget stops short of recognizing the concurrent contributions and impacts of the pandemic on Canada’s research community, and the role that research plays in Canada’s economic recovery”, says Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker, CCR Chair. “Today’s investment in basic research is tomorrow’s discoveries and innovations which drive our future competitiveness and prosperity.”

Budget 2021 invests in targeted research committing $2.2 billion over the next seven years to boost Canada’s biomedical and life sciences research sector to in part increase vaccine development. While these investments are welcomed, Budget 2021 did not include any new funds for the base operating budgets of Canada’s tri-councils for investigator-driven research, nor did it consider the critical funding still needed to support researchers, trainees and students such as was provided by the 2020 Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund.

In its 2021 pre-budget submission, CCR members noted “…it is more critical than ever that the federal government increase its support for Canada’s research funding agencies, students, early career researchers, academic institutions, international research, and research labs”.[1]

Canada’s research ecosystem was significantly impacted by the pandemic. Research labs, studies, careers, particularly among women, and post-doctoral fellowships were halted and, in some cases, ended entirely. Physical distancing requirements created undeniable difficulties for many research projects in academic and non-academic settings. Reduced research funding from charities and non-profits left early career researchers with years of decreased funding opportunities. International students left Canada, and in some cases have yet to return. All these combined have not only impacted Canada’s academic and scientific resources in the short-term, but will be felt for many years to come.

“The inclusion of researchers in health sciences in the emergency wage subsidy program was helpful, but Budget 2021 fails to provide the ongoing research support and kickstart needed to regain the fundamental science that stalled or stopped in the pandemic,” notes Votta-Bleeker. “We were behind where we needed to be before the pandemic, and the gap has just widened.”

Canada’s current government expenditure in R&D is the lowest it has been since 2001 at 1.54% compared to the OECD average of 2.47% (a 55% gap), putting Canada 23rd among the 37 OECD countries. Investment in R&D is necessary to Canada’s economic recovery. The CCR called on the federal government for an increase of at least 10% to the base funding of CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC, until commensurate with other G7 countries, for investigator-driven research. R&D includes fundamental research undertaken in academia and industry; applied research directed towards specific objectives; and experimental development to produce new, or improve existing, products and processes. Together these boost economic growth and drive innovation, the impacts of which are better jobs and higher productivity.

“Canada’s research community will continue to call for increases in basic research, as it is needed to both cultivate a strong and viable science culture, domestically and internationally, and to support and secure current and future generations of researchers who will ultimately contribute to Canada’s economic strength and recovery.”


The CCR is the largest advocacy coalition in Canada, focusing on research funding in all disciplines and support for post-secondary education. CCR includes 20 organizations that represent more than 50,000 researchers and 500,000 students across disciplines.

For more information:        Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker
Chair, Canadian Consortium for Research

[1]Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2021 Budget, Canadian Consortium for Research, p.4,

Download the full Press Release here

CCR’s Written Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2021 Budget

The global response to the pandemic has shown that science is relevant and impactful at all levels, from individuals and businesses to municipalities, regions, nations and the world. Science knows no boundaries; it has been, is, and will continue to be relied upon by decision-makers for continued management of the pandemic and to re-start Canada’s economy.

Canada’s capacity to innovate and compete internationally, and in turn recover and thrive economically, is dependent on sustained support of a broad spectrum of research carried out in various environments (academic, industrial, research institutions, government laboratories, not-for-profit settings). Science advances and innovations that enhance the economy and work to address issues such as those that have arisen as a result of COVID-19 happen when students and researchers from all disciplines and sectors (e.g., universities, government departments, data collection agencies, libraries) are supported with graduate scholarships, research funding, infrastructure support, institutional support, and career development opportunities.

The FSR report represents a detailed, well-researched, and measured roadmap for how the federal government can boost the economy via fundamental science and research. What must happen now is that the remaining recommendations of the FSR Report are implemented quickly with continued monitoring and assessment to significantly mitigate the impacts of the pandemic and thereby ensure that Canada’s needs are met and researchers are able to address society’s most pressing questions.

Lisa Votta-Bleeker, Ph.D.
Chair, Canadian Consortium for Research
613-237-2144, ext. 323

Read the Full Submission

The CCR has drafted the following statement to speak to the government’s support for research during COVID-19

The Canadian Consortium for Research welcomes federal support for research during pandemic

(Ottawa – May 15, 2020) The Canadian Consortium for Research (CCR) applauds the Government of Canada’s efforts to support research and researchers in light of current COVID-related challenges. Most recently, the federal government announced $450 million in funding to support universities and health research institutes.

As a result of COVID-19, many researchers across the country have been forced to suspend, and in some cases, end their work. “The granting councils as well as other funding agencies have helped the research community greatly by offering grant extensions and allowing exceptions to the rules governing the use of grants. Most recently, there was concern for the health researchers and research staff who were falling through the cracks of government programs and facing layoffs,” said Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker, Chair of the Canadian Consortium. “It is very encouraging to see the government address this issue and provide essential support to the research community.”

It was estimated that up to 15,000 health researchers, research nurses or lab technicians who were researching cancer, cardiovascular health, dementia, and many other areas of health would face layoffs because universities and health research institutes who were funded through industry and philanthropic donations were not eligible for the federal wage subsidy program or other government supports for research.

Last week’s announcement allows universities and research institutes in these situations to access this federal support, which offers 75 per cent per individual to a maximum of $847 a week. Additionally, 75 per cent of total eligible costs to maintain and restart essential research related activities, such as safe storage of dangerous substances and restarting data sets, will also be covered.

“Ensuring that research staff are retained, that research funds are available, and that research activities are supported during these challenging times means that vital work and innovation can continue as our country begins to recover,” said Dr. Votta-Bleeker. “The CCR applauds the research community for its advocacy on these matters, and the government and funding agencies for hearing the concerns of the research community. We look forward to continuing to work with the federal government and the funding agencies to ensure that all researchers, students, trainees and research staff, and ultimately the research they conduct, are supported through this difficult time.”

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker
Chair, Canadian Consortium for Research

CCR Member Organization COVID-19 Resources

CCR Member Organizations respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic.