
Member Organizations

Canadian Association for Graduate Studies

The Association brings together 52 Canadian universities with graduate programs, three national graduate student associations, the three federal research-granting agencies and organizations having an interest in graduate studies. Its mandate is to promote graduate education and research in Canada.

Canadian Association of Physicists

The Canadian Association of Physicists is a broadly-based national network of physicists in working in Canadian educational, industrial, and research settings. We are a strong and effective advocacy group for support of, and excellence in, physics research and education. We represent the voice of Canadian physicists to government, granting agencies, and many international scientific societies. We are an enthusiastic sponsor of events and activities promoting Canadian physics and physicists, including the CAP’s annual congress and national physics journal. We are proud to offer and continually enhance our web site as a key resource for individuals pursuing careers in physics and physics education.

Canadian Association of Research Libraries

CARL provides leadership to the Canadian academic research library community through enhancing scholarly communication and assisting members to provide full support for postgraduate study and research.

Canadian Association of University Teachers

Founded in 1951, CAUT is the national voice for academic staff. Today, representing 55,000 teachers, librarians, researchers and other academic professionals and general staff, CAUT is an outspoken defender of academic freedom and works actively in the public interest to improve the quality and accessibility of post-secondary education in Canada.

Canadian Astronomical Society

The Canadian Astronomical Society was founded in 1971 and incorporated in 1983 as a society of professional astronomers. The society is devoted to the promotion and advancement of knowledge of the universe through research and education. Membership is open to persons with a professional involvement with these goals in astronomy and the related sciences. The main activities of the Society are its annual scientific meetings, the planning and realization of scientific projects, the support of the scientific activities of its members, and the dissemination of related information among members and other interested persons. The Society supports committees on Optical and Infrared Astronomy, Radio Astronomy, Space Astronomy, Theoretical Astronomy, Education, Heritage, Canadian Grad Students, and Awards. Cassiopeia, the quarterly newsletter of the Society, is published at equinoxes and solstices.

Canadian Council of University Biology Chairs

The Canadian Council of University Biology Chairs is comprised of the Chairs or Heads of Biology Departments from most universities in Canada. Chairs play a key role in the leadership of Biology Departments and the improvement of Biology research and teaching in Canada. CCUBC strives to provide a forum for exchange of information between Chairs for improving Biology teaching and research in Canada.

Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences promotes research and teaching for the advancement of an inclusive, democratic and prosperous society. With a membership now comprising over 160 universities, colleges and scholarly associations, the Federation represents a diverse community of 91,000 researchers and graduate students across Canada. The Federation organizes Canada’s largest academic gathering, the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, bringing together more than 8,000 participants each year.

Canadian Federation of Students

The Canadian Federation of Students is Canada’s largest student organisation. It is composed of over 80 university and college students’ associations in ten provinces with a combined membership of over one-half million students.

Canadian Geophysical Union

The CGU serves as a national group for geophysical sciences, with annual meetings and an awards program, and significant student involvement. It began as a society dedicated to the scientific study of the solid earth, and has evolved into one that is concerned with all aspects of the physical study of Earth and the space environment.

Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) is the national society of individuals and organisations dedicated to advancing atmospheric and oceanic sciences and related environmental disciplines in Canada. The Society’s aim is to promote meteorology and oceanography in Canada, and it is a major non-governmental organisation serving the interests of meteorologists, climatologists, oceanographers, limnologists, hydrologists and cryospheric scientists in Canada.

Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists

The Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP), is the main professional body for medical physicists practicing in Canada. The membership is composed of graduate students in medical physics programs, post-doctoral fellows, as well as professional physicists, scientists, and academics located at universities, hospitals, cancer centres, and government research facilities such as the National Research Council. Every member has an educational or professional background in physics or engineering as it applies to medicine.

Canadian Psychological Association

The Canadian Psychological Association was organized in 1939 and incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act, Part II, in May 1950. Its objectives are: To improve the health and welfare of all Canadians; to promote excellence and innovation in psychological research, education, and practice; to promote the advancement, development, dissemination, and application of psychological knowledge; and to provide high-quality services to members.

Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science

The Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS) is a non-profit organization whose primary function is to advance Canadian research in experimental psychology and behavioural neuroscience.

Chemical Institute of Canada

The Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) is a professional association of chemists (Canadian Society for Chemistry), chemical engineers (Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering) and chemical technologists (Canadian Society for Chemical Technology) who are employed in, or associated with industry, academia, government and other organizations across Canada and the world.

Computer Science Canada / Informatique Canada

CS-CAN-INFO-CAN counts among its members more than 60 organizations active in computing research: academic departments of computer science and computer engineering; laboratories and centers in industry, government, and academia; and affiliated professional societies. CS-CAN-INFO-CAN works with these organizations to represent the computing research community and to effect change that benefits both computing research and society at large.

Council of Canadian Departments of Psychology

Formed in 1999, our primary objectives are to represent and promote psychology as a scientific discipline inside and outside university settings. We serve an advocacy and informational role with regional and national agencies which provide research and scholarship funds, and we provide leadership and perspective in the areas of undergraduate and graduate education, program accreditation, and research that takes place within departments of psychology. We maintain an active listserv, website, and database to ensure that our members are informed and connected. We have over 60 members from institutions across the country, from Vancouver Island to Newfoundland.

Council of Canadian University Chemistry Chairs

…representing over 60 Universities.

Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs (FQPPU)

La Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d’université (FQPPU) est un organisme à vocation politique dont la mission globale est d’œuvrer au maintien, à la défense, à la promotion et au développement de l’université comme service public et de défendre une université accessible et de qualité.

National Graduate Caucus

The Graduate Caucus  unites more than  graduate students in Canada. It is comprised of individual members and member local associations within the Canadian Federation of Students who have a common interest and concern with graduate student issues. The Caucus provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between graduate students and member local associations in order to promote the interests of graduate students to the provincial government and other external authorities whose jurisdiction affects graduate student affairs. Graduate students also join together with over 500,000 students across the country to lobby on issues of concern to all students such as tuition fees, student debt, research and core funding to post-secondary institutions.

Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

The mission of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada is to represent members collectively and individually, by providing bargaining, labour relations and other member services; by promoting and defending the rights and interests of members; and by safeguarding and promoting professional standards.

Statistical Society of Canada

The mission of the Statistical Society of Canada is to encourage the development and use of statistics and probability.